60 Minute Massage
Please select this option if you are looking for a relaxation massage or a lighter pressure, usually a full body massage but can be customized.
Please select this option if you are looking for a relaxation massage or a lighter pressure, usually a full body massage but can be customized.
Please select this option if you are looking for a deep tissue massage, commonly described as a massage with deeper pressure and usually focuses on one or two specific areas.
75 minutes long, which allows more time to focus on a specific area that is bothering you. Can be a deep tissue massage or a relaxation massage customized to fit what you need.
Please select this option if you have a specific area you would like to focus on. Perfect for post-injury or post-workout.
Cupping only, using RockTape’s RockPods.
Includes glute work, hamstrings, quads, calf muscles, and feet.
Neck and shoulders only, can be relaxation or deep tissue work.
Prone position (face down on the table) with a prenatal bolster provided for improved comfort and safety for both mom and baby during the massage.
Ages 14 and under. Can be sport specific or for generalized relaxation (important at any age!)